Pietro Tagliavia — (born in 1978) is a member of the Sicilian Mafia. Despite his young age, he is considered to be one of the upcoming leading Mafiosi of Cosa Nostra in Palermo.it icon [http://www.articolo21.info/rassegne/generale06112007/Art00136.htm Cosa Nostra,… … Wikipedia
Salvatore Lo Piccolo — (born in Palermo, July 20, 1942), also known as the Baron ( il Barone ), is a Sicilian mafioso and one of the most powerful bosses of Palermo, Sicily. Lo Piccolo rose through the ranks of the Palermo mafia throughout the 1980s and he became the… … Wikipedia
Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology — External links* [http://www.bvitnm.com/ Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Technology (BVIT)] Navi Mumbai * [https://www.orkut.com/Communityjoin.aspx?cmm=16546073 BVIT students community (500 members)] * [http://www.msbte.com/ Maharashtra State… … Wikipedia
Giuseppe Falsone — (Campobello di Licata, August 28, 1970) is a member of the Sicilian Mafia. His name is sometimes spelled as Falzone. He is a fugitive and on the Most wanted list of the Italian ministry of the Interior since January 1999. He is considered to be… … Wikipedia
Socialprise — [Perez, Sarah. Read/Write Web, (3/18/07) [http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/goodbye enterprise hello socialprise.php Goodbye Enterprise, Hello Socialprise. ] ] applications are a convergence of social media and enterprise applications… … Wikipedia
Salvatore Miceli — (Salemi, April 12, 1946) is a member of the Sicilian Mafia. He is on the Most wanted list of the Italian ministry of the Interior since 2001. He allegedly is at large in Colombia.BiographyMiceli was born in Salemi, in the province of Trapani. He… … Wikipedia
Platycephălus — Platycephălus, 1) (Zygaena tiburo, Echter Pantouflier), zu den Hammerhaien gehörend u. sich durch seinen herzförmigen Kopf auszeichnend, lebt bei Brasilien; 2) P. Bloch., Gattung der Stachelflosser, die großen, sechsstrahligen Bauchflossen stehen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Methylenedioxypyrovalerone — Systematic (IUPAC) name (RS) 1 (Benzo[d][1,3]dioxol 5 yl) 2 (pyrrolidin 1 yl)pentan 1 one … Wikipedia
LEO — I. LEO Alabandensis orator, praeter artem de Statibus, composuit Caricorum libros 4. totidemque Lyciacorum, reste Suidâ, qui et scripsisse ait sacrum bellum Phocensium, et Boeotorum. Equidem id negare non ausim, sed tamen fieri poslet, ut eos… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
VENEFICIUM — dictum apud Romanos, si venenô caedes facta esset: quemadmodum crimen inter Sicarios, si ferrô aut telô; Parricidium, si Parentibus aut propinquis nex esset illata. De duobus prioribus, praeter antiquas, quarum memoria obliterata est, exstat… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
coincidence — co|in|ci|dence [kəuˈınsıdəns US kou ] n 1.) [U and C] when two things happen at the same time, in the same place, or to the same people in a way that seems surprising or unusual →↑coincide, coincidental ↑coincidental ▪ I m going to Appleby… … Dictionary of contemporary English